Day Eight...Day Nine...And Now Baby Watch

We are on baby watch people! I repeat - WE ARE ON BABY WATCH!

Over the weekend she dropped in the most fantastic of ways - complete with pubic bone pain and lower stomach cramps causing me to run to the bathroom every 2 minutes. All signs point to IT'S ALMOST TIME! Panic ensued. Cleaning up a frenzy happened. And then she migrated back north again and life went on. Here we go with week 2.

Day Eight

My roommate from college was in town for the weekend and is also pregnant for the first time. Her and her husband had been trying for a few months to get pregnant when HTB and I found out we were expecting. They were preparing to move away and, as we had an overseas trip planned, we couldn't make the going away party. We decided to do a group dinner in which we were going to share with them the news. I was knee deep in mourning sickness and we ended up being 15 min late. I had texted her that I would explain when I got there. We walked in, I apologized and said that someone was sick before we left.

Ex-Roomie: Was it your dog?
Me: No.
ER: Was it you?
Me: Yes
ER: Are you...?
Me: Yes
Me: Yes
Confused Husbands: Huh?

That was the easiest way for us to announce that we were having a baby. She knew immediately and we had to catch the boys up. Two months later I got the call that she too was expecting. Her due date is exactly 2 months behind ours!

This is the first time we have been able to see each other since we got pregnant. We got to see each other in our bumped out glory and share what's been going on as we get ready for labor. That was nice to do. After breakfast I headed home and relaxed for the day. After cleaning all weekend, I needed a day off.

Day Nine

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Starting with NO SLEEP! I know my body is preparing for her arrival, but this is just ridiculous! All my baby apps say to get as much sleep as possible right now, but I'm finding that to be impossible. HTB got up to get ready for work and I managed to fall back to sleep. When I woke up a couple hours later, he was gone, dogs were walked and fed and were passed out next to me, and I had the shakes. Dizzy spells. Nausea. The works. I ate some breakfast and showered hoping it would go away, but it didn't. I dropped everything I had to carry, including the dog food which was fun to clean up. This didn't bode well because we had our last day care interview that day, and I had to drive to pick up HTB for it. Getting in the car was probably up there with one of the biggest mistakes I could have made, given my dizzy spells did not let up. I should have been laying down relaxing, but instead I was doing the opposite. Picked up HTB after a scary drive only to find out that our tour had been cancelled! We went to lunch instead where I found out I was having difficulties filling my dog's prescription. Having to make those phone calls while my food got cold was not my idea of a great day. Sitting down to eat my lunch seemed like heaven - so of course I dropped my silverware.

Afterwards, driving around to get her Rx with hands shaking was an experience. I was never more excited to be home than I was on this day. Nap had and once HTB came home I managed to cook us a decent dinner. Not one of my finer days. And there's still more cleaning to do.

Day Ten - today

Nothing says good morning like waking up and automatically bursting into tears! Two hours of crying later, HTB was on his way to work and I started cleaning our bathroom. That's when I looked down and realized she has once again dropped. WE ARE BACK ON BABY WATCH! And oh man did I need a nap! I'm back to the pain in my lower abs and so I'm back on the couch wondering where I'm going to find the energy to do some more housework. At least the main parts I wanted to clean are now clean, like her nursery and our bedroom. Now just need to tidy up downstairs and I am DONE with cleaning!

35 weeks pregnant today.

Ready or not she's coming in 2-4 weeks.


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