Life Just Got Real by Sadie Robertson
I am such a sucker for books about a fish-out-of-water transplant, and reality TV themes for books. Guilty pleasure? So when I read the synopsis for this one, I knew I had to read it.
A.J. Stewart moves to Nashville from the backwoods of Tennessee after the death of her father. She has 2 older brothers and is more of a grease monkey than a makeup hound. Kate Kelly grew up in Nashville surrounded by expensive fashion, extravagance and being perfect in her private school. Hmmm two completely different girls from two different worlds? We can all see where this is going...
A reality TV show is a possibility, and what could be better than contrasting Kate and A.J? Sprinkled throughout are thoughts on God, losing your faith and finding it again.
With all that being said, as I viewed an ARC, I'm not sure what has changed between what I have read and the synopsis that is posted as of the date of my review on both Goodreads and NetGalley. It discusses Kate's brother Val (not his name in the version I read), and the two of them going to summer camp together. Again, that did not happen in the version I read. Would be interested to read what type of camp both of them would attend together.
Give this one a try. I don't know who the author is as I have never seen Duck Dynasty, and I do not know who the ghostwriter was, but I enjoyed the story for what it was.
I received this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
A.J. Stewart moves to Nashville from the backwoods of Tennessee after the death of her father. She has 2 older brothers and is more of a grease monkey than a makeup hound. Kate Kelly grew up in Nashville surrounded by expensive fashion, extravagance and being perfect in her private school. Hmmm two completely different girls from two different worlds? We can all see where this is going...
A reality TV show is a possibility, and what could be better than contrasting Kate and A.J? Sprinkled throughout are thoughts on God, losing your faith and finding it again.
With all that being said, as I viewed an ARC, I'm not sure what has changed between what I have read and the synopsis that is posted as of the date of my review on both Goodreads and NetGalley. It discusses Kate's brother Val (not his name in the version I read), and the two of them going to summer camp together. Again, that did not happen in the version I read. Would be interested to read what type of camp both of them would attend together.
Give this one a try. I don't know who the author is as I have never seen Duck Dynasty, and I do not know who the ghostwriter was, but I enjoyed the story for what it was.
I received this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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