Daily Roundup - WISH ME LUCK!

Yesterday was day 2 of this 30 day hell...errr shred...OW OW ow ow OW! I could barely move! Of course that meant my baby girl was all over the place wanting to be chased, and oh yeah LET'S CLIMB THE STAIRS MOMMY! AGAIN!

I spoke with my old boss again at length about the company she now works for. She says "I was up all night trying to think of the good things to tell you." Well that sounds promising. At the end of the conversation though, she asked if I was ok to work with her again. I said I was. She has not been a manager for very long and does not know ANYTHING about my job, so I don't receive much guidance. I told her if I wasn't ok, I would not have called her back. I then made a comment of "as long as you are ok to work with me!" Silence. Uh-oh. She then started to ramble about how our old company was so stressful and it was difficult times. Ohhhhhh so she is holding a grudge that I was friendly with the other manager that she did not get along with and she DID take it personally when I quit. Not as promising as I was lead to believe. I have a feeling this isn't such an open-and-shut interview. It's a panel interview though, so I have to be careful what I say since she knows the truth about my involvement in things.

Ok so I'm off! Wish me luck little blog! I'm so tired of going on interviews, but whatever is meant to happen will happen.

Read: Still reading Smash & Grab. I'm about halfway through, and it is interesting but real life is getting in my way.

Write: FINALLY! I sat down the other night at our kitchen table and just wrote and wrote and wrote. Pen to paper, filling up page after page. It was strange - as I was writing from the POV of my main character, one of the side characters kept screaming that she wanted to tell her story. I pulled out my laptop and her version of events started pouring out of me as well. It felt so good. When I come home from this interview, I am hoping to explore both sides more.

Shoes: BACK IN HEELS! I miss these! Mostly been kicking off my shoes so I can binge watch The Ghost Whisperer before it disappears. One more season left and about a week to go!


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