62 Blog Posts to Overcome Bloggers Block by Marcie L. Hill

As I am trying to get my blog off the ground, I was excited when I was selected to review this book. I wouldn't say that I'm blocked, but any inspiration would help. Well that, and if I could find some extra time in my day (as any writer would say). With that thought in mind, I dove in.

Right in the beginning, after reading the introduction, I was hit with an advertisement page - buy my companion book! I know I was given this for free in exchange for my review, but had I spent money on this book, it would irritate me that now I need to spend even MORE money to get something out of this. I don't even know if I like this book - so let's begin.

In going through the 62 blog posts, I didn't find a way to overcome bloggers block. Instead I was reading 62 different types of blog posts, and then a real world example. While there were a couple of good ideas listed that could work with my blog, many wouldn't. This book reads better for those that are just starting out and aren't sure where they want to go with their blog. 

Towards the end of the book, I felt like I was being barraged with advertisements for the author - buy my other book! Go to my website! Look at these testimonials of people who love me! I was also realizing that all of the blog examples were dated 2011 or 2012. Why couldn't the author use current blogs? I then looked at the copyright date and realized it was published back in 2012.

For those of you who would like to start a blog, and are not sure how they want to format their posts, give this book a try for some good ideas. I can't comment on the companion book, but for me, I would skip it. I'm still not sure where my blog is going, but I wish this book inspired me more.

I received this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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