Rounding the corner...heading for home!

Oh little blog of mine. Life is about to change and I am scared! Today marks 30 weeks pregnant. I wish that I was blogging my whole pregnancy, as many at work have laughed at my "observations" on being pregnant, but exhaustion is a cruel cruel lover, and takes hold of me daily. Today? I had to call in sick as exhaustion and pain have made it too hard to get out of bed. My doctor even says that I need to relax more...and I'm trying but the stress makes it difficult.

Where is the stress coming from?

Work - I will be taking about 6 months off of work to have the baby and do 3 months of baby bonding. They are freaking out as NO ONE knows how to do my job. And they've known this day was coming for a long time, but no one did anything about it. Now my doctor is putting me on a reduced work schedule for 1 month, and then I'm off! Do they have someone to do my job? No. Is anyone trained? No. Does this mean they are trying to get me to do every project known to man before I leave? Yes! And trying to stay afloat of everything that needs to be done on a day to day basis makes me crazy. I waddle around all day, I fight being dizzy and feeling like I'm going to pass out to pretend to give good customer service, and I fight the pregnancy brain to do the work correctly. No wonder I come home exhausted!

Home - Are we ready? I need to clean! Dog hair everywhere! Are the dogs ok? Did we get everything on the registry? What do I need to pack for the hospital? WHAT AM I FORGETTING? And how did the house get dirty again?!

Wedding - that's right I'm insane. We are planning not just one...but TWO WEDDINGS! While planning for baby! One in the States and one in Scotland. We want to get as much done as possible because soon we will be focused on one thing and one thing only...

Delivery - All of the above have become a nice distraction to the real fear that has taken hold. THIS BABY HAS TO COME OUT OF ME SOMEHOW!!! And given her kicking style that makes the hubby-to-be declare she will be a soccer star, I can't imagine she will slide right out easily. Everything about delivery scares the bejesus out of me! So I will focus on everything else.

But for today? I will watch movies on Netflix, read as much as I can and then do a little bit of work I brought home to keep my head above water. That's relaxing...right?


Reading: The Woman Who Stole My Life by Marian Keyes - determined to finish this before the baby is born! Halfway through so far...

Writing: Mostly on hold - hoping to pick this back up once I get into the groove of being a mom and life.

Shoes: Lately? Just flip flops as nothing else seems to fit! So soon I will be focusing on lil teeny shoes.


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