Big Changes Happening

It's been over two months since my last post, and how my life has changed!

The first major change that happened was my new job. Right after my last blog posting I started working again in Human Resources. I forgot what it was like having a real job with real responsibilities again! I was working some overtime in order to try and figure out what it was I was doing as the job I stepped into was nothing short of a mess. I went from doing nothing all day to being overwhelmed. By the time I got home? I would be so tired I would fall into bed and nap until my boyfriend would come over.

The second major change? My boyfriend and I moved in together after being together for over a year. So glad that is over with. All the boxes? All the stress? And the movers were just awful! The day after move-in day? My boyfriend went to London for work. Week and a half to be by myself in a big townhome - wow did we celebrate when he came home! And maybe a little too much because that leads me to the third major change...

Third major change is we are starting a family! I just found out 4 days ago that I am pregnant with my first child! All week I was feeling ill, going to the bathroom a lot more than usual, and wasn't experiencing any of my usual pregnancy symptoms. I ate a salad that had some cucumbers in it and I HATE CUCUMBERS! So imagine my surprise when the next day I was craving cucumbers like never before. When I told my boyfriend what was going on, he shrugged it off saying "no no you'll get your period." The day my period was all set to start came and went. Nothing. You can set a calendar to me as I am ALWAYS 26 days. On day 30 I bought a pregnancy test. And imagine my surprise when the stick produced 2 lines within 30 seconds of being laid on the table. Wow.

It took 3 days for the realization to sink in for the both of us. The next day he asked for me to take the second test in the morning so he could be there with me. He watched the test for the full 3 minutes even though the lines appeared again within 30 seconds. No denying it anymore - we're having a baby!

I started writing a book for our baby. Like diary entries so I can remember this whole experience - both the good with the bad. I have never been more aware of my stomach than I am now. And I have never eaten so many cucumbers with BBQ potato chips and cucumbers with hummus. So. Many. Cucumbers. This baby will have me healthy in no time whether I like it or not!

Very excited for what our future holds. But mostly I'm scared of the immediate future and the changes that will happen to my body. Nothing to do now but hold on for the ride of our lives!


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