Daily Roundup - Update
I thought the job interview went well. It felt more like a conversation than a formal, uncomfortable marketing campaign. I spoke with a woman who would be someone I would be working closely with. It's a job that is the next step up from what I have been doing for so long. More strategic and less paper pushing. I feel ready. I feel happy that there is this opportunity to use my 12 years of knowledge for something that can make a difference. I felt good after I hung up the phone. And now...I wait. We spoke on Wednesday. The boss man is in a different time zone and was gone for the day, so he would have received the feedback on Thursday. It's now Friday. Thumb twiddling time.
The job with my old boss? I have heard nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Which makes me feel bad because she told me she would tell me one way or the other. I should have known she would be too scared to. It's business - you already told me to my face I was overqualified and you would be cutting my salary, so just say forget it and let me move on! Classic mature breakup! But noooo - she wants to do the ghost goodbye. I just will stop calling, emailing and texting and hope you get the message to never call me again. Well message received! I looked on their website and the job posting was removed, so that confirms that the job is not mine.
So the hunt continues. Both for a job and wild Pokemon. I've got nothing but time (although I am putting off going back to clean this house, especially the downstairs floors now that the dogs seem to be doing better).
Wasn't it Sex and the City that said you're always searching for 1 of 3 things - a job, a date or a place to live? Am I remembering that wrong? Well since I don't have a job, I have time to rewatch all of the episodes and find that quote...
Read: I am so in love with "Not Ready for my Mom Jeans" by Maureen Lipinski. She speaks to my soul. I have been reading that, courtesy of Scribd, along with "Diary of a Haunted House" by M. Verano. I have almost finished that book, and still in the middle of "The Singles Game" by Lauren Weisberger. Trying to decide which NetGalley book to go back to reading. I started 3, but...meh...maybe start a new one to be excited over once I finish Mom Jeans and Haunted House? We will see. HTB birthday weekend...so not much reading will be going on!
Write: I saw an article the other day on writing content mills. Pros. Cons. Thoughts. I may look into doing one, as you know what they say about idle hands. This may give me something to do while I twiddle my thumbs, and get me writing again. Maybe it will spark something new in me. Let's give it a try!
Shoes: Shoes? What shoes. Mama is barefoot all day indoors as the summer heat rages outside!
Stay cool everybody! Off to go do some more wedding planning. Seating charts - what fun!
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