Daily Roundup - Update
I thought the job interview went well. It felt more like a conversation than a formal, uncomfortable marketing campaign. I spoke with a woman who would be someone I would be working closely with. It's a job that is the next step up from what I have been doing for so long. More strategic and less paper pushing. I feel ready. I feel happy that there is this opportunity to use my 12 years of knowledge for something that can make a difference. I felt good after I hung up the phone. And now...I wait. We spoke on Wednesday. The boss man is in a different time zone and was gone for the day, so he would have received the feedback on Thursday. It's now Friday. Thumb twiddling time. The job with my old boss? I have heard nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Which makes me feel bad because she told me she would tell me one way or the other. I should have known she would be too scared to. It's business - you already told me to my face I was overqualified and you would be cutting my salary, ...