Nina is Not Ok by Shappi Khorsandi
Nina is defnitely not OK! I finished this book an hour ago, and I am sitting here still trying to process the roller coaster of emotions this book brought out of me. I felt so much while reading this - contentment, embarrassment, anger, laughter, and the ending brought tears out of my eyes, both happy and sad at the same time. There has only been one other book that made me sob the way this one did (here's looking at you Marley & Me!) I always say that any book that can produce these types of emotions while reading is a great book. The author, Shappi Khorsandi, introduced me to the world of Nina being not OK, grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Anytime I had to step away from the book I would wonder what was coming next. When it seemed like the story was over, another speed bump would occur. Nina's story starts right off the bat with an event that propels Nina into a downward spiral. She was already heading there, but this guarantees her free fall. We are invited in...