Can I Write? Should I Write?
Every day I wake up and think up a great idea, whether it be for a short story, a novel, a blog post, or an article. I think to myself how funny it would be to share, how interesting it would be, or that maybe I could open up someone's eyes to a side of a story they never thought of before. Self-doubt then sets in before I can even boot up my laptop. The downfall? I find myself ignoring these ideas calling out to me. Who would read this? Who would care? Am I even good enough to try? Where did these thoughts come from and why can I not fight through them to share my ideas? When I was back in college I wrote with abandon for a website called "My Dear Diary" and "Love and Learn." On MDD, I had my own "diary" (which, sorry kids, was what led to the invention of blogs) and had quite a following. I would write about my day. I would write about my fears. I would write about a funny thought I had. And I would engage my followers in discussions on silly thi...